The increasingly powerful microscopes and telescopes reveal parallel universes. Quantum Physics helps to understand these mysteries and it is a key pillar of the bridge between matter and consciousness. Today it is becoming more popular the ‘quantum’ term, both in academia and in technology as well as in the world of energy medicine, even in conversations among colleagues and friends. Quantum physics studies the phenomena that occur at the atomic and subatomic world, namely, in the domain of atoms, at their nuclei and elementary particles, considered the fundamental building blocks of matter. But Quantum Physics is not a reality alien to us because it is an essential part of our life through numerous applications ranging from transistors, diodes, semiconductors and solar cells to power generation in nuclear power plants. Magnetic resonance, superfluidity, superconductivity and lasers are other applications of this theory of the smallness, not to mention the promising future of quantum computing, which opens unimagined possibilities in processing speed. In fact, the application of quantum mechanics has covered the entire range of scales, from the astronomical distances of Cosmology (complementing theories on the study of the Universe) to the extremely small particle physics.
The quantum term refers to the smallest unit of energy whose light and all of electromagnetic forms are made. Therefore, the radiant energy is formed by infinity of quanta (plural quantum), whose energy is related to the frequency of vibration. The faster a particle vibrates, the more energy you will have. The relationship between energy and frequency is given by a very small number, Planck’s constant, which is about 10-34J·s.
The concept of energy that is divided into small units emerged through the theory of Planck, in 1900. This date marks the birth of Quantum Physics. Thanks to this new concept of the energy, Planck could successfully explain the observed properties of the radiation emitted by a radiating body due to its temperature.
From matter to energy Particle Physics experiments have shown that at the quantum level all matter is energy. This equivalence stems from Einstein’s famous equation, E = mc2, where E is the energy of a material system, m, the mass, and c is the speed of light in vacuum (300,000 km / second). In high-energy laboratories have been observed annihilation processes between particles to yield into pure energy, and the reverse process, creation of matter and antimatter from light quanta. The quantum world seems magical: it is continually taking place in its womb processes of creation and destruction. Energy and matter are two poles of the same essence. The human being is made of the same matter of the Universe: radiant light. Every human being has his characteristic energy band or aura. Since ancient times we are conscious of its existence. Historically it was known that, for example, around the Saints there was an energy source emanating from the hands or head.
Quantum physics covers this energy dimension of human being and allows study it from the scientific method. This energy aspect includes the mind. Eastern culture describes this human energy body, taking into account different levels of consciousness as the frequency of vibration of their particles (physical-etheric body, emotional, mental, spiritual). This material-energy set is compared to a lotus flower which the submerged root into the earth represents material life, the stalk that plows through the water, the emotional world, and petals that unfold skyward, the spiritual life.
Energy therapies
The human being is a system of energies in continuous vibration. The molecules that make up all kinds of matter are in constant vibration. The same happens with the atoms and subatomic particles. In fact, every atom, every molecule, every cell has a certain amplitude of electromagnetic band in which electromagnetic energy is emitted and absorbed. Thus, everyone and everything are in communication with the outside world, transmitting and receiving, via its resonant frequency spectrum. Thanks to this we can interact with the body and benefit it in case of illness with the help of a wide range of vibrational therapies such as homeopathy, flower essences, acupuncture, color therapy … These techniques affect the coherence and intensity of the human energy system. Coherence is a harmonious relationship between the parts of a system and it is essential to be healthy physically, mentally and emotionally. During the second half of the twentieth century, Herbert Fröhlich and Fritz Albert Popp studied this coherent pattern in living things. It was found that, after a certain energy threshold, the molecules vibrate in unison and behave as a single supermolecule. Therefore it was able to detect by coherent light emission of atoms similar to a laser light emission. The laser emission is a coherent stimulated emission of light, amplified and with a single frequency propagating in a single direction. In living beings, this radiation is called mitogenetic laser radiation and constitutes the so called biophotonic field, which also it can be measured in food. Because of this property we can say that the human being is a quantum complex where there is an entirely coherent wave pattern. To stimulate this coherency we can interact with the body through therapies using light and color. In chromotherapy, the seven colors of the spectrum allow to operate in the human’s basic energy centers, called ‘chakras’. Using light, the quartz crystals are extremely coherent in its vibration.
Everything is interconnected
Another property of biophotonic field is that it is holographic, that is to say that each part contains the whole information. There is an instant connectivity between each part, an inherent property of non-locality. This phenomenon, predicted by quantum mechanics, was put into practice in 1982 by Alain Aspect. His experiment showed that altering the polarization of a photon, the other was affected instantly, as if he knew the change suffered by his «companion».
This led to think that every point of the universe contains information of the whole. Our universe would be an immense cosmic hologram with an unlimited amount of information. The hologram provides us with a unique model for understanding the energy structure of the Universe and the multidimensionality of the human being. It can be said that our body contains a holographic pattern of energy, called holographic energy body or bioenergy body, that transcends the framework of physical energy, since it includes consciousness.
At the quantum level, consciousness is an integral part, and quantum reality is far from being objective. This means that the observer is an integral part of quantum reality. A classic example is the wave-particle duality. Each entity in the universe has two ‘sides’, being a wave and being a particle. This dual nature has been shown in the Young’s double slit experiment. A beam of electrons impacts on a perforated screen with two narrow slits. The beam passes through them and «draws» an image on a second screen that registers the arrival rate. The image shows bands of constructive and destructive interference, characteristics of a wave motion, in other words, electrons are detected as waves. But if you place a particle detector at the output of the first screen, we force these electrons to interact with the device and to behave like particles. So it depends on the observer that quantum reality is manifested as a wave or as a particle. We are partakers of the quantum world, a crucial thing is that is not the subatomic unit who «decides» whether it manifests as a wave or a particle, but it is the observer.
The union with the Cosmos Quantum Physics is a key pillar of the bridge between matter and consciousness, establishing a new dimension for the understanding of the body and mind. This dual role of mind and body relates to the basic property of the quantum world: the wave-particle duality or the energy-matter. This duality also appears in Taoist philosophy in the dynamic interaction of the two polar forces (yin and yang) or in the hermetic philosophy, which states that the different manifestations of matter, the mind and the spirit are the result of different vibrational states. The model of human seen as a complex clockwork changes with the new quantum paradigm that defines human as an energetic entity in harmony with an energetic universe. A new language in which body, mind and spirit merge together in one essence is coming out.
Teresa Versyp
Article No. 167 ‘CuerpoMente’ magazine