Esta web utiliza 4 cookies necesarias, 11 analíticas, una de màrketing (you-tube) y otra, las cuales son:
Necessary cookies/cookies necesarias
Necessary cookies are used to make a website function properly, and are generally not used for tracking. They are often used for user authentication, so that a website can remember who is logged in when the user navigates to different pages or refreshes the site. Necessary cookies can also be used to keep track of items in a shopping cart, or to provide load balancing information.
Name/nombre: _GRECAPTCHA
Domain/dominio: www.google.com
Duration/duración: 6 months/6 meses
Used by Google reCaptcha for risk analysis
Name/nombre: cookieyes-consent
Domain/dominio: teresaversyp.com
Duration/duración: a year/1año
CookieYes sets this cookie to remember users’ consent preferences so that their preferences are respected on their subsequent visits to this site.
Name/nombre: _grecaptcha
This cookie is set by Google reCAPTCHA, which protects the site against spam enquiries on contact forms.
Name/nombre: wpEmojiSettingsSupports
This cookie is utilized to enable emoji support on pages using WordPress.
Analytical cookies/cookies analíticas
Analytical cookies are not essential, but they are used to collect valuable information on how a website is being used. This information can help identify issues and figure out what needs to be improved on the site, as well as what content is useful to users. In most cases, the information collected by analytical cookies is anonymous, but some analytics services may collect information that can be used to identify the user.
Name/nombre: sbjs_migrations
Domain/dominio: .teresaversyp.com
Duration/duración: Session/sesión
Used by Sourcebuster to track the sources of website’s visitors for further analysis.
Name/nombre: sbjs_current_add
Domain/dominio: .teresaversyp.com
Duration/duración: Session/sesión
Used by Sourcebuster to track the sources of website’s visitors for further analysis.
Name/nombre: sbjs_first_add
Domain/dominio: .teresaversyp.com
Duration/duración: Session/sesión
Used by Sourcebuster to track the sources of website’s visitors for further analysis.
Name/nombre: sbjs_current
Domain/dominio: .teresaversyp.com
Duration/duración: Session/sesión
Used by Sourcebuster to track the sources of website’s visitors for further analysis.
Name/nombre: sbjs_first
Domain/dominio: .teresaversyp.com
Duration/duración: Session/sesión
Used by Sourcebuster to track the sources of website’s visitors for further analysis.
Name/nombre: sbjs_udata
Domain/dominio: .teresaversyp.com
Duration/duración: Session/sesión
Used by Sourcebuster to track the sources of website’s visitors for further analysis.
Name/nombre: sbjs_session
Domain/dominio: .teresaversyp.com
Duration/duración: 30 minutes/30 minutos
Used by Sourcebuster to track the sources of website’s visitors for further analysis.
Name/nombre: YSC
Domain/dominio: .youtube.com
Duration/duración: session/sesión
This cookie is set by YouTube video service on pages with YouTube embedded videos to track views.
Name/nombre: tk_or
Domain/dominio: .teresaversyp.com
Duration/duración: a year/1año
Referral cookies used to analyse referrer behavior for Jetpack connected sites using WooCommerce.
Name/nombre: tk_r3d
Domain/dominio: .teresaversyp.com
Duration/duración: 3 days/3días
Referral cookies used to analyse referrer behavior for Jetpack connected sites using WooCommerce.
Name/nombre: tk_lr
Domain/dominio: .teresaversyp.com
Duration/duración: a year/1año
Referral cookies used to analyse referrer behavior for Jetpack connected sites using WooCommerce.
Marketing cookie/cookies de màrketing
Marketing cookies are used to track users across multiple websites, in order to allow publishers to display relevant and engaging advertisements. These cookies are typically used by advertising networks to target users with advertisements that are likely to be of interest to them.
Duration/duración: 6 months/6 meses
Set by YouTube and used for various purposes, including analytical and advertising.
Other cookies
Domain/dominio: .youtube.com
Duration/duración: 6 months/6 meses
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